What Our Clients Say
“[The program] made me feel as if I was not alone, and it helped me feel safe.”
— Youth
“You guys made me feel at home. You made me feel important. Keep up the good work and continue to help kids in trouble, or kids that just need food on the table and a roof over their head.”
— Youth
“I know at the time I really didn’t realize it, but you basically saved my life.”
— Youth
“There will never be enough thank yous to say how much we appreciate what you did for our grandson. It was one of the most upsetting and heaviest times in his life, and all of you went above and beyond to help him through it.”
“The staff! [She] was able to bond with the staff and they really made a difference in her life. Thank you all so much!”
— Parent
“To my ‘family:’ I just wanted to tell you guys how much I appreciate each and every one of you. I learned something from everyone, and I’ll carry that with me for the rest of my life.”
— Youth
“I really appreciate the Hawthorn staff. Ever since I left, things have been different for me. I’m learning to be more mature, and I’ve been more open to the world… I’m now able to talk to other people when I have a problem.”
— Youth
“I have learned more in my short time at Hawthorn Heights than I have in 14 years. Hawthorn Heights changed the way I look at my life… I appreciate everything y’all have done for me.”